FEECO International Featured in Process Heating Magazine

Released on: July 2, 2008, 12:01 pm

Press Release Author: FEECO International

Industry: Biotech

Press Release Summary: FEECO International, Inc. is featured in June's Process
Heating Magazine. The article entitled "Ethanol Plant Know-How" explains the use of
rotary dryers to dry and cool ethanol plant co-products.

Press Release Body: Green Bay, WI (July 2, 2008)- FEECO International, Inc. is
featured in the June issue of Process Heating Magazine. The article entitled
"Ethanol Plant Know-How" explains the use of rotary dryers to cool and dry ethanol
plant co-products by FEECO's Shane LeCapitaine.

Here are a couple short excerpts from the article:

"Ethanol producers are under constant pressure to improve performance as the price
of feedstocks and energy continues to increase. Traditional corn-based ethanol
plants use fermentation to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide (CO2) from ground
corn, which results in the production of unfermented residuals (the parts of the
kernel that are not converted to ethanol and CO2).

Unfermented residuals usually are separated into two streams, consisting of wet cake
(distillers grain) and syrup (soluble), by means of a centrifuge. The syrup is
concentrated in multi-effect evaporators to approximately 35 percent solids and
combined with the wet cake. The wet cake is dried to produce dried distillers grain
(DDG), or dried in combination with the syrup to produce dried distillers grain with
solubles (DDGS).

The workhorses for many industrial applications, direct-fired rotary dryers and
rotary coolers have been around for more than 100 years. When designed properly,
these heavy-duty units typically can run continuously for more than 30 years while
requiring minimal maintenance.

A typical rotary dryer/cooler system for DDGS consists of the following major
components: mixer, dryer with air system, dry recycle system, and cooler with air

To read more on this article please visit FEECO's website or the Process Heating
online magazine.

About FEECO International:
At FEECO, we specialize in turning problems into opportunities. Our mission is: \"To
provide innovative solutions that meet our customer needs by supplying high quality
products and services at a competitive price.\" We also specialize in meeting your
needs on time and within budget. Since 1951, we have been designing, manufacturing,
marketing and installing equipment and systems throughout the world.

Contact Us:
Please visit www.FEECO.com for additional product information or to request
information on a product / equipment.

Web Site: http://ethanol.feeco.com

Contact Details: FEECO International, Inc.
3913 Algoma Rd
Green Bay, WI 54311
Phone: 920.468.1000
Fax: 920.469.5110

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